At this time, many parents and teachers are looking for activities and lessons for their students who are now at home and being instructed by parents. Although some families can use apps or print off lessons, not all families can. has created a 4- week long set of ideas for activities for young children with autism. Many make use of everyday objects that are found at home. Activity ideas include phonics, language, social skills, play skills, fine motor, and sensory fun. A great deal of emphasis is on fostering skills related to playing and relating to others. The goal is to spark ideas for families when deciding what to teach.
For tips for teens, click here.
Activity Ideas for April 2020 for Young Children with Autism and Related Special Needs ©2020
Activity (15 minutes each) |
April – Week 1 |
Additional Supports: |
Monday- Sing the alphabet song. Point to the letters in the alphabet. |
More extensive Phonics Worksheets from Autism Classroom are available at: |
Language: |
Monday- Ask them to imitate the following actions: Pretend to drink from a cup Tuesday- Ask them to imitate the following actions: Pretend to scoop with a spoon and pretend to stir with a spoon, Roll a small squishy ball, Open a pretend door, Make a surprised face. -off -on -out -under -above -over -through |
More extensive Language Printables from Autism Classroom are available at: And |
Social Skills: |
Monday- Identify pictures of emotions. Look at pictures of happy, sad, angry (mad) and fearful. Point to the pictures. Use words written on small pieces of paper to match the word to the picture of happy, sad, angry (mad) and fearful. Tuesday- Have them imitate your face as you try to show different emotions. Try: Happy, sad, angry (mad) and fearful or other emotions that you would like to teach. Wednesday- Ask them to “Draw this face with me” as you draw a happy face and a sad face. Don’t focus on the accuracy. Focus on the idea of attending to the same task and working together. Identify pictures and label them after you draw them. If you have a toy that has a happy or sad face, show the toy and describe it. Thursday- Practice a greeting in whatever way you want (waving, saying hi, smiling, etc.) Give them a cue and use a visual direction to show them what to do. For example, if you want them to wave after you say “hi”, make a piece of paper that says “wave” and has a drawing of a hand waving. Hold that up after you say “hi” to give them a cue of what to do. Give 5 seconds of wait time, then, help them to wave. Try it several times. If you want, you can tell a very short story (1 minute) before you start about how people greet one another. Friday- Find an online poster of emotions or look for a magazine with various pictures. Point to the pictures and have them copy you as you point to happy, sad, angry (mad) and fearful or any other emotions that you want them to learn. |
More extensive Social Skills Printables from Autism Classroom are available at: |
Structured Play: |
Monday- Practice letting them lead. Adult- imitate their actions with toys. Give them a choice of 3 toys or items. Follow their lead as long as the action is safe. This is a chance to let them lead the interaction with the toys. Tuesday- Continue to practice letting them lead. Adult find 2 of the same toy - imitate their actions with toys using your similar toy. Follow their lead as long as the action is safe. This is a chance to led them lead the interaction with the toys. You do what they do. Comment with limited words, for example “oh, you want the car to go over.” Wednesday- Continue to practice letting them lead. Adult find 2 of the same toy again- imitate their actions with toys using your similar toy. Follow their lead as long as the action is safe. This is a chance to led them lead the interaction with the toys. You do what they do. Comment with limited words, for example “the doll gets a hug.” Thursday- Have them imitate you as you move your head side to side, nod, shrug shoulders, smile and do a high five. Find 2 similar toys, one for you and one for them. Next, say “Do what I do” as you put a toy on, off, over, under, through a pretend tunnel or box. Friday- Find pictures of a lion, lamb and frog. Pretend to be a lion, then pretend to be a lamb. Make their animal sounds. Play spring related songs and jump around like a frog. |
More extensive Play Skills Printables from Autism Classroom are available at: Or or |
Fine Motor: |
Monday- Use markers and color words to focus on colors. Fold the paper in 6 parts. Write one color word in each rectangle: red, blue, yellow, green, orange, purple. Have them (or help them) make a circle around each work using the corresponding color. Say, “find red. Make a red circle.” Wednesday- Lacing Cards. Use a paper plate or a paper circle. Make 6 holes in the perimeter (without them seeing you do this). Have them use string or yarn to lace the string or yarn through the holes. Be sure to tie the string in a knot around one of the holes so that it can stay attached. Keep a very close eye on them as they do this task. Or just have them draw a line from each hole to the other hole. |
More extensive Fine Motor Worksheets from Autism Classroom are available at: |
Sensory Fun: |
Monday- Play an emotions song or a feelings song for kids on you Tube. Or, make up a song and sing it while pointing to the pictures of emotions. Tuesday- Use play dough or cut out strips of paper (eight 1 inch x 11 inch strips) to make the following shapes: square, rectangle, triangle and diamond. Wednesday- Draw a tree. Then have them draw their own tree. Use something crafty to put leaves on the tree. Count the leaves when done. Thursday- Draw a picture of a squirrel or bunny and have them glue cotton balls or white paper circles on the picture to make the tail. Allow them to do the work even it if takes a while. (Howevr, you control the glue.) Friday- Do some “spring cleaning” with soapy water and a sponge. Or, tape paper cut outs of birds on a large blue sky using copy paper and crayons. |
More extensive Sensory Fun Printables from Autism Classroom are available at: ©2020 |
Activity (15 minutes each) |
April – Week 2 |
Additional Supports: |
Monday- Practice making the B sound and pointing to the letter B in a store circular or magazine. Tuesday- Write out a list of words that start with B (ball, broom, bat, bin, block and boat). Have them point to the word as you say it. Wednesday- Read or write 5 words that start with B. Have them point to the letter B in each word. Sing a song about the letter B. Thursday- Make a large B on a piece of paper. Have them glue 6 small pictures of the letter B onto the larger B. Friday- Get 2 plastic bins and sort 10 letters (on index card sized pieces of paper) in one bin and 10 numbers (on index card sized pieces of paper) in another bin. Label one of the bins “letters” and the other “numbers.” |
More extensive Phonics Worksheets from Autism Classroom are available at: |
Language: |
Monday- Have them practice asking for an item using words, pictures, sign language or gestures. Find an item you know they will want and model how to ask for it (say the word, give a picture for the item or sign for the item, etc.) Once they request, provide the item. Tuesday- Have them sequence two actions: Clap hands / touch thigh, Wave / put hands together, Arms up / hug self, Arms out / rub hands. Wednesday- Have them sequence two actions: Arms forward / touch head, Shake arms / touch nose, Jump up / touch ground, Jump forward / squat. Thursday- Match the same colors. Find 2 identical items each that are red, blue, and yellow and three identical bins. Ask them to match to the same color. Friday- Play the verb game. Hop, like a bunny. Roll, like an egg. Stand, like a carrot. Run, like the wind. Bloom, like a flower. |
More extensive Language Printables from Autism Classroom are available at: And |
Social Skills: |
Monday- Explain what sharing means by modeling it. Start using phrases such as “I am going to share with you,” “We are sharing,” or “Time to share.” Model sharing with a sibling or another family member at first and use the vocabulary word “share” often. Tuesday- Again, explain what sharing means by writing out the word and pointing to it each time you use the word for this 15 minute block. Continue using phrases such as “I am going to share with you,” “We are sharing,” or “Time to share.” Model sharing with a sibling or another family member at first and use the vocabulary word “share” often. Wednesday- Have them share a non-favorite item. Randomly, have them play with something that’s not one of their favorites, and then say ask them to share. Give it right back at first. Over time, play with it for longer periods of time. Thursday- Practice sharing writing utensils. Color a picture together, but share one crayon or marker while you’re coloring a page. Make sure, at first, you share for a short period of time and then say, “thank you, it’s your turn” and give the item back. Friday- Learning to share takes time. Keep working on it. Have them choose a toy or item. Ask them to share while you point to the word share. Praise them if they share. Find and read a short social story about taking turns with toys and games. Have fun. |
More extensive Social Skills Printables from Autism Classroom are available at: |
Structured Play: |
Monday- Play imitation games. Have them imitate your actions by saying “Do this.” (Hands together, hands up, arms to the side, arms out front, shake your hands, laugh) Tuesday- Play imitation games. Have them imitate your actions by saying “Follow me.” (Hand on head, shoulders, knees, toes.) Sing the song “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” slow, then sing medium speed, then sing it fast while doing the motions. Wednesday- Make 2 paper airplanes. Have the airplanes make circles, have them go up, have them go across the sky, them have them race. Thursday-. Use dolls or toy figures. Have them pretend to take an airplane ride using the paper airplanes from the day before. Or, have them pretend to go for a walk over a pretend bridge, through a pretend tunnel, in a pretend school and to a pretend park. Imagine things they may see. Friday- Complete a puzzle together. Or, use an unused magazine page and cut it into 8 pieces to make a puzzle. Complete it together. |
More extensive Play Skills Printables from Autism Classroom are available at: Or or |
Fine Motor: |
Monday- Practice folding paper into 6 folds. Use 2 pieces of paper so that you can use one and they can use one. |
More extensive Fine Motor Worksheets from Autism Classroom are available at: |
Sensory Fun: |
Monday- Make mud by mixing brown paper and water. Just play with the “mud” in a large bucket. Or, use paint to washable paint a picture. Tuesday- Place pictures or draw pictures of carrots and place them various places on the floor or table and have a toy bunny hop on the carrots. Wednesday- Make handprints on paper with washable paint or water on blue paper. Or, trace your hand on the paper and color it in. Thursday- Make a sock puppet of a bunny, sheep, frog and other spring animals. Have a puppet show. Friday- Trace the letters of the alphabet with a marker. Then, make a small picture of a bunny rabbit and have it hop from letter to letter. |
More extensive Sensory Fun Printables from Autism Classroom are available at: ©2020 |
Activity (15 minutes each) |
April – Week 3 |
Additional Supports: |
Monday- Look for pictures of words that start with C. Make 6 cards that have the letter C on them. Have them place the C card on any picture that starts with C. Or, have them match the letter C to the letter C. Tuesday- Review the following C words buy writing them clearly on a chalk board or poster paper or regular paper: cat, cup, cap, cake, can and carrot. Wednesday- Make a mini-book of the letter C. Have them look for pictures in an old magazine of things and words that start with C. Glue them in the mini-book. Read the book. Thursday- Make a large hallowed C on paper. Fill in the letter C with pictures of things that start with C from a magazine color the C. Friday- Cut 15 small circles to glue onto a written letter C on construction paper. |
More extensive Phonics Worksheets from Autism Classroom are available at: |
Language: |
Monday- Discuss action words. See if they can act out the words: knock, clap, stand, turn around, wave and sit down. Tuesday- Make an action words book. Use 6 pages. Find pictures of actions or draw pictures of actions. Compile the book. Wednesday- Read the action words book together. Act out the actions. Thursday- Look for pictures of sleep, eat, cook, cry, smile and walk in a book or magazine. Write the words on paper and have them point to the work when they see the action. Friday- Focus on go and stop. Use a green piece of paper with go on it and a red piece of paper with stop on it. Play music when you touch the go card. Stop the music when you touch the stop card. Let them try. Or, make silly movements you touch the go card. Stop the silly movements when you touch the stop card. |
More extensive Language Printables from Autism Classroom are available at: And |
Social Skills: |
Monday- Play music and have them imitate your dance moves. Or, just have fun dancing together. Tuesday- Have them practice making requests by using a communication system with pictures, drawings, cut outs from the box of the item or using words. Wednesday- Practice self-calming techniques such as breathing in and out. Start with having them blow a piece or crumbled (don’t let them see you crumble it) paper across the table or floor. This might help teach the concept of breathing out. It may take time. Thursday Again, practice self-calming techniques such as breathing in and out. Use a feather or something light across the table or floor. This might help teach the concept of breathing out. It may take time. Friday- Use 2 toy cars to highlight the concepts of loud/quiet, fast/slow, and forward/backward. Have them imitate as you give an example of the car being loud/quiet and moving fast/slow, and forward/backward. |
More extensive Social Skills Printables from Autism Classroom are available at: |
Structured Play: |
Monday- Work on directional words by playing Freeze Dance. Play the music and have them dance, when the music stops, have them freeze. Emphasize the word “Dance” and “Freeze.” Tuesday- Show a picture of a bear. Pretend to be a bear waking up from hibernation. What would he see, what would he do, what would he eat? Wednesday- Use musical instruments or improvised instruments to have them imitate your actions. Play a song and/or sing a song together. Thursday- Practice dressing in spring clothes. Put on rain boots, rain jackets and open umbrellas to play pretend. Friday- Act out nursery rhymes that relate to spring such as Little Bo Peep, Rain, Rain Go Away and Itsy Bitsy Spider. |
More extensive Play Skills Printables from Autism Classroom are available at: Or or |
Fine Motor: |
Monday- Practice folding paper again into 6 folds. Use 2 pieces of paper so that you can use one and they can use one. |
More extensive Fine Motor Worksheets from Autism Classroom are available at: |
Sensory Fun: |
Monday- Use a fun fidget toy. |
More extensive Sensory Fun Printables from Autism Classroom are available at: ©2020 |
Activity (15 minutes each) |
April – Week 4 |
Additional Supports: |
Monday- Have them spell out the letters in their name using index cards with each letter on it. Tuesday- Have them practice tracing their name. (Give the maximum amount of help to have them get it correct so that they do not learn the wrong way to write the letters.) Wednesday- Look for pictures of words that start with D. Make 6 cards that have the letter D on them. Have them place the D card on any picture that starts with D. Or, have them match the letter D to the letter D. Thursday- Make 5 sight word cards for words you want them to know. Make a second set. Have them match one set of cards to the other. Use the word cards from yesterday. Have them point to a word when you say the word. Friday- Use the index cards from Monday. Have them spell their name. |
More extensive Phonics Worksheets from Autism Classroom are available at: |
Language: |
Monday- Have them point to real objects in the house(Clothes, Remote, Purse, Plastic Cup, Soap, CD, Lego) Tuesday- Have them point to the objects in the house (Brush, Key, Paintbrush, Ball, Phone, Chair, Tape, Glue) Wednesday- Have them point to the objects in the house (Jacket, Sweater, Shirt, Backpack, Towel, Pencil, Table, Chair, Table, Comb) Thursday- Have them locate different places in the house (kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, play room, basement, etc.) Friday- Discuss the difference between “empty” and “full” using two clear plastic containers with pom-poms or cotton balls inside one container with the other empty. Ask them to point to the correct container when asked which is full/which is empty? Use one index card with the word full and one index card with the word empty. Show the full and empty container. Ask them to label adjectives or point to the adjective to describe the container contents when asked “What is this?” (Ex: full or empty.)
More extensive Language Printables from Autism Classroom are available at: And |
Social Skills: |
Monday- Play Simon Says. Tuesday- Play the jumping game. Hold their hands as you guide them as they jump. Count 1,2,3 stop. Repeat. Then pause in between jumps. See if you can get them to say go or to sign “more” to start jumping again. Wednesday- Play the tickle game. Hold their hands as you guide them as they jump. Count 1,2,3 stop. Repeat. Then pause in between tickles. See if you can get them to say go or to sign “more” to repeat. |
More extensive Social Skills Printables from Autism Classroom are available at: |
Structured Play: |
Monday- Have them imitate your actions with 3 toys of your choice. Say “do this.” Tuesday- Have them imitate your actions with a toy rabbit or toy spring animal and a box for the following motions: on, off, over, under. Wednesday- Use pretend play to go for a hike. Have a scavenger hunt along the way to look for various items. Thursday- Pretend to be animals. Act out the various motions that animals make. (Snake, elephant, duck, penguin, etc.) Friday- Use paper to make color squares on the table and have them jump a toy figure on the color you call. |
More extensive Play Skills Printables from Autism Classroom are available at: More extensive Play Skills Printables from Autism Classroom are available at: Or or |
Fine Motor: |
Monday- Practice folding washcloths and towels. Fold 10 washcloths or towels together. |
More extensive Fine Motor Worksheets from Autism Classroom are available at: |
Sensory Fun: |
Monday- Play with bubbles. |
More extensive Sensory Fun Printables from Autism Classroom are available at: ©2020 |